I am honored to be exhibiting together with 30 of my fellow members of the DFA (Deutsche Fotografische Akademie – German Photographic Academy) at the Darmstadt Days of Photography Festival. In the exhibition I am showing the top poster here, consisting of various images I have taken over years with dimensions 178x240cm. These photos are part of my multi-year project about the 2008 Great Recession – economic and housing crash (work in progress). This is the largest single piece I have ever made!
DURCHHALTEVERMOEGEN – Hier, in den Ruinen der globalen Finanzkrise von 2008, spielt sich ein Ueberlebenskampf ab: in diesen verlassenen Bauvorhaben in Spanien, Irland und den USA. Ein Kampf zwischen Natur und Profit, zwischen Pionierpflanzen und Baggern, befeuert von wirtschaftlichen Interessen. Jetzt haben die Pflanzen hier die Gelegenheit, das Land neu zu erobern. Aber nur bis zum naechsten Konjunkturaufschwung, wenn die Bagger wiederkommen. Koennen wir einfach so weitermachen?
PERSEVERANCE – Here, in the ruins of the 2008 global financial crisis, a fight for survival is taking place: in these abandoned construction sites in Spain, Ireland and the USA. A fight between nature and profit, between pioneer species of plants and bulldozers, fueled by economic interests. Now the plants here have the opportunity to colonize the land. But only until the next upswing in the economy, when the bulldozers return. Can we just keep carrying on as we always have?
Kommunale Galerie im Justus-Liebig-Haus
Grosse Bachgasse 2
64283 Darmstadt