I am honored and thrilled to have been invited by Houston FotoFest Director Steven Evans to include one of my prints from my ANONYMIZATION series in the 2024 FotoFest Fine Print Auction. This will be the fifth time that I have work in the Auction, having first participated in 2016 when I had a solo show of the ANONYMIZATION project under 2016 FotoFest theme of “Changing Circumstances”. It is an honor, pleasure and privilege to support FotoFest and everything they do for photography, photographers and also Houston-area students.
To quote from the FotoFest website:
“FotoFest Fine Print Auction presents leading artists who hail from major international centers of artistic production, enabling collectors to acquire some of the most outstanding artwork that FotoFest has supported. Revenue from print sales and table sponsorships directly supports FotoFest Biennials, exhibitions, public programming, professional development programs for artists, and the Literacy Through Photography curriculum, serving thousands of Houston-area students annually.”
The image of the construction cranes I took with my Hasselblad in Ensanche de Vallecas, a new suburb of Madrid, where the first people moved in in 2006. I took the photograph at the height of Spain’s construction boom in 2006 when 2.6 hectares of land were being urbanized every hour. From 1987-2006, during the boom, the area of urbanized land in Spain increased by 52%. (Statistics from my own book “ANONYMIZATION”.) Soon, with so much overbuilding, the great financial crisis came and many cranes came to a screeching halt, which is the subject of my subsequent project “The Bubble” (work in progress).
Many thanks to fine art printer Ross Kiah (in photos) of Palm Press in Medford, Massachusetts, for his hard work on the print. The image is printed at 32×32 inches with a 2 inch white paper border on all sides, making the total dimensions 36×36 inches. It is an inkjet printed on a heavier fibre paper I am very fond of, Canson Infinity Platine Fibre Rag (310 g/m2).
If you will be in Houston, please stop by to see the work of many photographers from all over the world not only at the auction but also at many exhibitions surrounding the FotoFest theme, “Critical Geography”.
(Many thanks to Natan Dvir for the photo of the exhibition space.)
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All Auction Events at Silver Street Studios:
2000 Edwards Street, Houston, TX 77007
Auction Preview:
March 10-19, 2024 | 9am-5pm
Director’s (Steven Evans’) Talk and Tour:
March 14 | 12pm
Auction VIP Reception with Artists:
Thursday March 14 | 6-8pm
Live Auction & Gala:
Thursday March 21, 2024
6 PM | Reception with Donating Artists
7 PM | Dinner and Auction