robert harding pittman

King of Spain at premiere of my Fulbright film at Prado Museum in Madrid.

King of Spain at premiere of my Fulbright film at Prado Museum in Madrid.

The Spanish Fulbright Program celebrates its 60th Anniversary at the Prado Museum in Madrid on October 16th, 2018. King Felipe VI of Spain, himself a former Fulbrighter, attended the event along with the US Ambassador Duke Buchan III. Josep Borrell, Spanish Minister of Foreigne Affairs, Ex-President of the European Parliament and also a Fulbrighter was at the event along with 350 other invited guests. Dr. Mariano Barbacid, who appears in the film, was given the Fulbright Award by the King for his lifelong work on fighting cancer. In its 60 years 8,787 Spaniards and U.S. Americans have had the privilege of having had a Fulbright Grant. I too have had this privilege and thanks to this grant I was able to make my "Concrete Coast" film.

On this special day we had the premiere of my documentary "Fulbright 60 Anniversary" which the Spanish Fulbright Commission had hired me to make. It was a great honor working with the Commission, with whom I have made several films.


(Photo credits: Fulbright Commission Spain, Leticia Ibáñez, Lidia Cano Pecharromán.)