robert harding pittman

Taking new book dummy to Rencontres d’Arles Portofolio Reviews.

Taking new book dummy to Rencontres d’Arles Portofolio Reviews.

After 9 years of work I have finished the book dummy for “Apocalypse Habitat” (working title), which before had the working title “The Bubble”. Many people have helped me on the way and I am very grateful to them. I am very excited to be traveling with the new book under my arm to Arles to show it to curators, publishers and magazine editors and other people in the photography world. The book is far from done and this is the beginning of the journey to get it out into the world. The Rencontres d’Arles is one of the most important and oldest photography festivals in the world, bringing together people from all over the globe.

This is a story about waste and the underdog and how economic cycles can lead to our mistreatment of nature and of each other. Here are some double page spreads out of the book.


In many places in the world, there was a tremendous construction boom which started around the year 2000. In Spain, every hour, 2.6 hectares of land were being urbanized at the height of its construction boom. More houses were built than could ever be occupied, yet their prices rose and rose. Too many loans were given to people who could not pay them. And finally the bubble burst in 2008 and the Great Recession began. Many large scale developments were begun and never finished. Construction workers lost their jobs. Some people never got to see their dream home finished and lost all of their savings. Labor, money, naturalĀ  resources and natural habitat were wasted for naught.