robert harding pittman

A simple life. awarded Special Mention at Cinemambiente!

A simple life. awarded Special Mention at Cinemambiente!

Our documentary film “A simple life.” which I co-directed with Myrto Papadogeorgou of City of Errors, was selected for the International Short Film Competition at the CinemAmbiente Film Festival in Torino, Italy. Our film was awarded a Special Mention by the government of the Regione di Piemonte for the film that best “speaks” about the landscape. We are very honored! Myrto travelled to Torino to receive our award.

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Screenings in Torino, Italy:
June 1, 2019 at 15:45 in the short film program “The World has to know”.
June 2nd, at 20.30
Award ceremony on Wednesday, June 5th (h. 20.30).